The American-Ukrainian Diaspora

A country makes a tremendous mistake when diasporas internal to their country are marginalized to being “the other.” There is no other social formation that must continuously reconcile its existence between multiple worlds, and such juxtaposition fosters unique hurt as well as unique power and insight. They must be different, for they have lived what we have not. Yet, as natives, our moral imperative is to embrace that difference, for such a union offers us a gentler understanding into what is foreign and what is foreign internal to ourselves.

The Economist stated, “Immigrant networks are a rare bright spark in the world economy. Rich countries should welcome them,” noting that the intellectual, monetary, and cultural exchange is essential for global economics and foreign policy. Such global exchange is what The Economist titled as “magic,” as it creates organic relations and opportunities between countries that otherwise might not exist (Staff 2011). In addition, diasporas can be extremely effective in improving the conditions in their sending country. People in diasporas understand the heart of where they came from, yet they often learn new ideas, technologies, and processes in the receiving country that can eventually help to transform their country back home.

The American-Ukrainian diaspora perhaps works at the extremes of opportunity and tragedy, and thereby offers extremely powerful potential to both America and Ukraine. Rubicon Seven is working on a national project to create new dialogue, relationships, and development within the American-Ukrainian diaspora so that it can be more effective in bringing its gifts to both countries. It is an honor to work with this group as we get to gently understand what is foreign and what is foreign internal to ourselves.