Gnostic Green Blog

The top reasons often cited for writing blogs are such things as improving writing skills, offering opinions and insights, or for professional development. The primary reason for our blog is none of these. We write mainly to learn how to learn, and deeply question what we have learned. Each blog is more about a process of exploring ourselves than delivering a piece of writing, where we work to develop clarity and truth within ourselves and hopefully others.

Our aim is to generate gnosis, which we mean as a kind of knowledge that resonates beyond our human existence. Its epistemology is that which points to the divine.  And “green” is only to honor that this creation we call earth far exceeds our understanding, and we honor that from which we originated.

Why do we take on such an esoteric project? In our work it is not acceptable for our thinking to become dogmatic, ritualized, or patterned. We must always see our work, the object of our work, and ourselves as clearly as possible. And to achieve this, we must always strive towards being “awake,” as Gurdjieff emphasized. We must always work for sociological imagination, as described by C. Wright Mills. We must attempt to understand with gnosis and love so that we generate inspirited and ethical work.

Our blog is where we are humbly allowed to love our incompleteness and become better at becoming. It is where we are free to explore the divine in the process of attempting to see the world as it is.


“I ask you to believe nothing that you cannot verify for yourself.”

G.I. Gurdjieff, Views From the Real World